Essay on Poverty in India
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Poverty in India-500 Words/ Poverty in India Essay-250 Words for students and
Essay on
Poverty in India-500 Words
What is Poverty

Poverty is a condition in which a person or community
do not get their basic needs such as shelter, food, running water, education,
health care etc. due to their insufficient income.
According to the Brooking report, about 73 million Indians live in extreme poverty.
Causes of Poverty
Growth of Population
India’s population has been growing day by day since
1951, which is one of the main causes of poverty.
Low agricultural productivity
Agriculture is the backbone of India as 166 million or
56.6% people are engaged in agriculture. The reasons of low agricultural
productivity are lack of capital, illiteracy about new technology, wastage
during storage.
Price Rise
The continuous and steep price rise of the materials
pushes the people towards the poverty.
Lack of Education
Parents are unable to send their children to school
due to their inadequate income, which leads to illiteracy, child labour and
Lack of Industrialization
In India, skilled labour is less due to proper
education and training. Lack of industrialization causes poverty.
Lack of employment opportunities increases the rate of
job seeker, which is another reason for poverty.
Lack of Capital
Lack of capital prevents the establishment of
industries, transport and other projects that affect the development of India.
Effects of Poverty
The evils of poverty affect not only the people but
the entire country.

In India, more than 200 million people, including 61
million children do not get sufficient food to eat.
Child Labour
In India, 12.5 million children do not go to school
but they are forced to go for work to earn money.
Lack of Education
According to UNICEF, about 25%of children in India do
not get education, especially girls. Without education, they do not get a job
by which they do not get rid of poverty.
Child Marriage
Due to poverty, parents force their daughters to marry
before their legal age. The Medical Journal, The Lancet, investigated that
44.5% of girls still get married before legal age.
Infant Mortality
In India, about 1.4 million children die each year due
to malnutrition, malaria, pneumonia, diarrhoea etc. because of lack of food,
clean water health care, hygiene, proper shelter.
Prevention of Poverty
The steps to be taken to get rid of poverty are as follows:
Should maintain the population rate
in India.
Invite more foreign investment into
the country to increase the more employment opportunity.
A study made by Montek Ahuluwalia,
former member of Planning Commission, brought that the higher agricultural
growth leads lower poverty ratio.
The education system needs to be made
affordable and improve.
Emphasis should also be laid on
girl’s education.
Government of India has taken some steps
to alleviate poverty. The schemes are –Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojona (JWSY), National
Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS), National Food for Work Programme (NFWP), Rural
Employment Generation Programme(REGP) and many more.
“Poverty is the
worst form of violence”- Mahatma Gandhi.
Poverty is a major problem
that affects not only the people but the entire country. Our contribution and
cooperation can give some relief to this poor people. According to World Bank,
poverty is decreasing in India; about 44 people
are escaping poverty every minute.
Short Essay
on Poverty in India- 250 Words
Poverty is a
situation when the persons do not get their basic needs- food, clothing and
shelter for their insufficient earnings. About 73 million people are living in
extreme poverty in India.
Causes of Poverty
Since 1951,
the growth of population is increasing rapidly which is one of the main causes
of poverty. The step rise in prise also pushes the poor people into poverty.
Lack of education, unskilled workers, unemployment, capital deficiency, less
industrial development, low agricultural productivity are the main causes of
poverty in India. Due to lockdown for Covid-19, about 354 million people became
poor as 25% fall in their income.
Effect of Poverty
Poverty is a
curse on human life. It brings depression, stress unhappiness. Due to
insufficient earnings, they unable to get sufficient food, shelter, health
care, education, clean water, then they have no choice but to beg. Child
mortality malnutrition, child marriage, crime have increased in the country.
Reduction of Poverty
Poverty is a national problem. The Government is investing in different policies and brings several schemes which help the people to overcome the poverty. The rural branches of commercial banks also introduce credit delivery system in which the poor farmer gets credits on easy terms that help them to access the productivity resources. Government also provide free school education which opens the door of a job.
Everyone in the world has the right to a healthy and normal life and this is possible when this evil, poverty is eradicated.
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