Essay on Poverty
Essay on Poverty/Poverty Essay 1000 words for
What is Poverty?

Poverty is a condition when the people do not get
usual acceptable amount of money and material things, as a result, they unable
to get their basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing and other essentials
for survive.
Poverty is a curse in human life. The word poverty is
derived from the old French word poverte, which means poor.
Classification of poverty
There are six types of poverty, based on social, economic
and political aspects. They are
Absolute poverty
Relative poverty
Generational poverty
Urban poverty
Rural poverty
Situational poverty
Absolute poverty-Absolute poverty or the extreme poverty is the scarcity of the basic needs such as food, shelter, running water, education health care. In developed countries. When it was first introduced in 1990, the "dollar a day" poverty line measured absolute poverty by the standards of the world's poorest countries.According to World Bank, when a person earns and lives on $1.90 a day, falls under the category of absolute poverty. About 88 million of people live under absolute poverty. Normally 10% of world’s population live in absolute poverty.
Relative poverty-When a person
can afford necessities but does not able to meet their society average standard
of living is said to be under relative poverty.
Generational poverty-When at least
two generation of a family has been born into poverty and unable to move out of
the situation is called general poverty.
Situational poverty- This kind of
poverty is temporary. When adverse events like environmental disasters such as
flood, drought, storm etc., job loss, health problems occur, People face this
kind of poverty.
Rural poverty- This kind
of poverty occurs in the rural areas where the population is below 50,000. These
areas have less job and education opportunities, less services etc.
Urban poverty- This kind of
poverty occurs in the metropolitan areas where the population is over
50,000.The people living in these areas do not get proper health and education
services and also housing and social protection mechanism.
Causes of poverty

Poverty is a crush on human life. If we want to get
rid of poverty, then we have to know the causes of poverty. Currently, 800
million people are suffering hunger and 2 billion people are not getting the
clean drinking water at home. The people need money to get their necessity so
they have to do work. If they do not get enough food, they don’t get strength
to do work and simply they will be work-less. Lack of clean water leads them to
water-borne diseases and they spend amount on treatment which lead them to
extreme poverty.
Natural disasters like floods, droughts, storm, heavy
rainfall etc. destroy the agricultural activities which lead the people to
Growth of population is one of the main causes of
poverty. In the last 45 years, the annual population growth rate increases 2.2
which is the extra burden on the countries and the Governments of those
countries unable to provide their basic needs which make the population poor.
Another cause of poverty is continuous and steep price
rise, for which a person with low income does not buy minimum needs.
Conflict is one of the most common and important causes of poverty.
Example Syria, where 80% of population now live below the poverty line after
its tenth years of conflict.
There are many poorest people in the world who are
relying on farming or hunting to survive. Malawi is 80% agrarian but the
population lives in hunger and poverty due to the natural disasters like
droughts caused by El Nino which is a global phenomenon, when the water
temperature increases in the Pacific Ocean.
Lack of job opportunity is another cause of poverty. Incompatible work and low-paying jobs give poverty to a family.
Effects of poverty

“Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.” —
Aristotle, Greek philosopher
Poverty affects a lot on a poor family. They do not
access their basic needs such as shelter, food, health care, education etc.
They cannot send their children to school due to their insufficient income. They
forced to their children to work which increase the number of children labours
and could negatively impact the child’s personality.
They do not get clean water and health care so they
suffer many diseases like malaria, cholera, dehydration, diarrhoea,
tuberculosis etc. which increases infant and child mortality rates.
The children
become depressed, helpless and hopeless. Poverty increases stress, depression,
anxiety and criminal behaviour in the poor family which increase violence.
Reducing of poverty
Poverty is a global problem but we can get rid of this
problem by identifying the causes of poverty.
The best way to get rid of poverty is a job which
opens the door of income. Trade is a path out of poverty which leads a country
to growth and prosperity. The poorest countries in the world like Indonesia,
Brazil etc. have done their business to get out of poverty.
Education develops skills and abilities. According to
UNESCO, if all students, from low- income family, had basic reading skills,
then 171 million people could overcome the extreme poverty. Poverty alleviation
requires empowerment of people living in poverty through free education and
training which will help them to get a job and earn money.
Agricultural growth is an important factor to reduce
poverty. Increasing the growth of agriculture leads the decreasing of poverty.
To eradicate poverty by 2020, Agricultural Bank of China will give loans of
more than $400 billion for developing rural areas, fund education, crop
The whole world
is trying to overcome the poverty. Since 1990, 35% of the world population was
living under extreme poverty but hopefully now less than 10% of world is living
in extreme poverty.

“Poverty is the worst form of violence” – Mahatma Gandhi
Poverty is a curse in human life. Poverty brings
wailing, anxiety, mental exhaustion in people’s lives. We can provide free
educational training or tutoring to the poor children. Our cooperation can put a smile on the face of
a poor family. Our will, cooperation and effort will make this world poverty
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