Essay on Panda
Essay on Panda: Panda is an omnivorous mammal living in China and eastern Himalayas. Two species of panda are found on the earth: Giant panda and red panda. Although the giant panda and the red panda are the same species, they do not look alike. Both animals are very cute. We can see both giant pandas and red pandas in several zoos in different countries.
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Panda is a omnivorous mammal. Two types of pandas are found in the world: Giant panda and Red panda. But they don't look alike and are not scientifically related to each other. Both panda species are omnivorous and prefer to eat bamboo.
Description and Behavior of Panda
Panda or giant panda is a bearlike animal. Their body is covered with white fur but the ears, eye patches, shoulder and legs are covered with black fur. Their body coat helps them to camouflage. The eye patches that make giant pandas unique can also help them identify each other. Male giant pandas can be 6 feet in length and can grow over 100 kg. Giant panda has five fingers. Their fingers and thumb help them to hold the bamboo while eating. Giant panda has strong jaws with 42 teeth. Giant pandas belong to the Ursidae family and their scientific name is Ailuropoda melanoleuca.
Giant pandas prefer to live alone and spend most of their life roaming and eating. Giant pandas are active at dawn and dusk but they are also active at midnight. Giant pandas mark their territories by spraying urine or clawing trees. They produce different vocalizations to communicate. As the giant pandas climb the tree, they also take shelter on the hollow trees as well as in the rock crevices. When they are threatened, they can attack humans.
Female giant panda gives birth to two blind, toothless pink-colored cubs but she chooses only the strongest cubs to raise and the cub dies of starvation. The common predators of young and cubs of giant pandas are snow leopards and yellow-throated martens. The cubs are also attacked by eagles, black bears, and feral dogs, etc.
Red panda is a medium-sized mammal belonging to the Ailuridae family and the scientific name is Ailurus fulgens. Their body is covered with reddish-brown thick fur but the color of the belly and legs is black. They have white fur above the eyes and the sides of their head. Their muzzle is white and their bushy tail is striped. Their body length is 22 inches to 25 inches and can grow up to 17 pounds. Their bushy tails help them to balance and flexible joints and strong claws help them to climb. They wrap their bushy tails around themselves to keep their bodies warm. They also have long wrist bones also known as “false thumbs” which help them to hold the bamboo while eating. Red pandas are nocturnal but they are also active in the twilight period. They sleep on the trees. Red pandas also prefer to live alone and mark their territory by feaces, spraying urine, or secretions from anal glands. Red panda produces seven different types of vocalization including hoot, bark, growl, etc. Mother red panda makes the nest in the hollow trees, logs, or crevices with twigs, grass, twigs, sticks, etc. Mother red panda gives birth to three to four blind but fully furred cubs. Red pandas can live 14 years in captivity.
Diet of Panda
Panda is omnivorous. Both giant panda and red panda prefer to eat bamboo shoots and leaves which are rich in protein. The giant panda's food is 99 percent bamboo. But they also eat fish, honey, plant materials, as well as small mammals. A giant panda consumes more than 14 kg of bamboo in a single day. In the wild, they consume only 25 species of bamboo but in captivity, they are given other dietary supplements.
Red pandas are mainly herbivorous and consume bamboo shoots and leaves. They also prefer to eat fruits, birds, eggs, as well as small mammals. Red pandas consume over 1.6 kg of bamboo leaves and around 5 kg of bamboo shoots in a single day.
Habitat of Panda
Pandas can be found in mountain ranges in Asia and China. The giant panda is endemic to China. They can be found in Shaanxi, Gansu, and Sichuan, in China. Many giant pandas live in captivity in China as well as in other countries.
Red pandas are found in India, Myanmar, China, and Bhutan. In India red pandas live in West Bengal, Nepal, Arunachal Pradesh, and Sikkim.
According to the World Wildlife Fund, about 10,000 red pandas are surviving in the world. This unique bear is a national treasure in China and can be found in Chinese art and called their beloved giant pandas as Daxiongmao, “large bear-cat”. Red Pandas are now endangered because of habitat loss due to deforestation and farming. According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, about 1800 pandas are living in the world.Essay on Panda 200 Words
Panda or giant panda is a species of bear, belonging to the family Ursidae. Two panda species are found in the world: Giant panda and red panda.
Panda bears or giant pandas live in China. Their body is covered with thick white fur but the color of their legs, ears, eye patches and shoulder is black. Red panda is reddish-brown in color and smaller than the giant panda. Giant pandas are found mainly in China but red pandas live in China and the eastern Himalayas. Both like to eat bamboo shoots and leaves. In captivity, they are given fish, eggs, fruits, etc.
According to the IUCN, the red panda is an endangered species. Red pandas lose their habitat due to deforestation, urbanization, etc. They are also threatened by killing and poaching for their skin. Giant pandas are also threatened by habitat loss and low birth rates. The giant panda is one of the world's most beloved and protected rare animals. In July 2021, Chinese conservation officials announced that giant pandas are not endangered but are vulnerable in the wild.
Red pandas are now protected.
In captivity, the red panda can live up to 14 years and the giant panda can live up to 20 years.
Essay on Panda 100 words
Pandas are mammals. Two species of panda are found on the earth: Giant panda and red panda. They eat a lot of bamboo shoots and leaves. They are found in China and Eastern Himalayas. Although the giant panda and the red panda are the same species, they do not look alike. Giant panda is white in color with black legs, ears, shoulders and eyepatches. Red panda is smaller than a giant panda and is reddish-brown in color with a bushy ringed tail. Both animals are very cute. We can see both giant pandas and red pandas in several zoos in different countries.
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