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  • Essay on Horse

    Essay on Horse/Description, Behavior, Habitat, Diet, usefulness/Horse belongs to the family Equidae and Equus caballus is the scientific name....

     Essay on Horse

    Essay on Horse

    Essay on Horse: Horse is a herbivorous domestic animal. Some feral horses are called “wild horses” like Mustang in Western United States. More than 300 horse breeds are found on the earth. Equus caballus is the scientific name of the domesticated horses. “Hot bloods”, “cold bloods” and “warmbloods” these three types of horse are found on the earth. In some parts of the world horses are still used for transportation.

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    Horse is a herbivorous domestic animal. The horse evolved more than 45 to 55 million years ago from Eohippus, which was a small multi-toed animal. The first archaeological evidence of domestication of horses is found in sites in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, dating back to about 4000–3500 BC. Some horses that roam freely, stray, run away, or are intentionally left in the wild are called feral horses. Some feral horses are called “wild horses” like Mustang in Western United States and Brumby is another example of wild horse, found in Australia. Horse belongs to the family Equidae and Equus caballus is the scientific name of the domesticated horses.

    Description and Behavior of Horse

    Horse has four long strong legs, a long neck, a bushy tail, two big eyes, and the important and unique part is its solid hooves. 205 bones make up the skeleton of a horse. Their body is made up of about 700 muscles but they have no muscles below their knees and hocks and their hoof is made up of different tissue, bone, hair as well as skin. Since there are different breeds, the size of the horse is different. The smallest horse breed is Miniature, around 3ft tall and weigh approximately 200 pound in other hand the largest horse breed Shires can grow nearly 6 ft and weigh over 2400 pound. Different colors of horses are found like white, back, brown, chestnut, etc. Their thick mane hair that grows on top of the neck and their tail is made up of keratin. Pony has thicker mane hair, coat and more bushy tail. The total number of teeth in an adult horse is 36 to 44.. They have 12 front teeth or incisors which help them to cut their food (grass), grazing as well as defence from predators. Horse's have two big eyes which are the largest eyes among all the terrestrial mammals. They can see very well during the day as well as at night. Horses have an excellent sense of smell and hearing. Their two large ears can move up to 180°. They also have an excellent sense of touch and sense of taste. Horses are excellent runners and their average running speed is about 48km/h but the racehorse can run around 64 to 80km/hr.

    Horses are intelligent and smart animals. Research has shown that these curious animals have the ability to Memorize complex patterns and sequences and can understand human emotion, commands etc. Lukas is a retired racehorse in the United States who received the Guinness World Records title in 2010 for identifying 19 numbers. He also recognized colors and shape of the objects.

    “Hot bloods”, “cold bloods” and “warmbloods” these three types of horse are found on the earth. More than 300 horse breeds are found on the earth. 

    The most popular horse breeds are Carolina Marsh Tacky, Arabian Horse, Morgan Horse, Gypsy Horse, Orlov Horse etc.

    The female horse is known as a mare and foal is the name of a baby horse. The group of horses is called bands. Female horse gives birth to only one baby or foal and rarely two in the spring season.

    Habitat of Horse

    Horses are found in every continent but do not live in Antarctica. The wild horses prefer to live in grasslands, woodlands, prairies etc. According to The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAOSTAT), there are 58,832,221 horses on the earth.

    Diet of Horse

    Horses are herbivorous so they only consume plant materials. The main food of horses is grass. They also eat hay, leaves, fruits, vegetables etc. As they have small stomachs, horses eat small amounts of food at a time but eat frequently. They have six saliva glands into their mouth which produce 20 to 75 litres of saliva everyday. Saliva acts as a lubricant which helps them to swallow the food easily. Horses are given a few types of forage like oats, bran, barley, vetches etc. Horses drink a lot of water, about 5 gallons each day.

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    Usefulness of Horse

    In the past, horses were used as one of the main means of transportation. Horses are used for pleasure riding as well as racing, jumping etc. In some parts of the world horses are still used for transportation. In some countries, horses are used by police to control crowds. There are also volunteer mounted patrols in Canada.


    Horses are very useful common domestic animals. Horses are social animals and get lonely if kept alone, and they mourn the passing of a companion.

    Essay on Horse 200 words for Kids and Children

    Horse is a domestic animal and has a relationship with humans since ancient times. About 4,000 years ago, horses were domesticated by Asian nomads. Around 400 breeds are found on the earth such as Arabian horse breed, most popular racing horse breed Thoroughbreds, colorful spotted Appaloosa etc. Only one horse species has been domesticated. 

    Horse have strong body with two big eyes, two ears, four hoofed legs, a big mouth with 36 to 44 teeth, and a bushy tail. They have long hair on their neck. Horses produce different sounds like neigh, nicker and whinny.

    Except Antarctica, horses live in every continent. They prefer to live in grasslands, woodlands, plains. Horses that live in the wild are called "wild horses" such as Przewalski's horse. The wild horses make a group with 3 to 20 individuals which are led by a mature male horse or stallion.  

    Horses prefer to eat green, fresh grass, leaves, fruits, vegetables, barley, oats, corn, grain etc. 

    Horses are used for pulling carts, wagons, ploughs, seed drills, reapers, etc., as well as for riding, sports, etc. 

    Horses are human friends and companions so we have to take care of them.

    Essay on Horse 100 words for Kids and Children

    Since ancient times, horses have been domesticated by humans. Horses have gradually become human friends and companions. 

    Horse’s strong body, legs with hoofed feet are useful for riding, pulling and lifting weight. There are different colored horses like white, black, grey, spotted, reddish-brown etc. 

    Horses are given fresh grass, leaves, fruits, and other plant materials. 

    Horses prefer to live in grasslands, woodlands, as well as stable. Their sound is called neigh. Their 36 teeth help them to cut, tear or chew food.

    Horses are good runners and can run about twenty kilometers in a day. Many people like to ride horses.


    Essay on Horse 10 Lines for Kids and Children

    1. Horses are common social animals and are kept in stable.

    2. Horses have powerful day and night vision.

    3. Horses have the ability to recognize the blue and yellow color but can’t see red.

    4. Horses have an excellent sense of smell but not as good as dogs.

    5. Horses also have powerful hearing and do not like high noise.

    6. Horses choose their favorite food using their advanced sense of taste.

    7. Horses can consume 11 kilogram of food each day.

    8. Horses lie down while they sleep but they can sleep standing up.

    9. Mule is a common hybrid which is a cross  of a female horse or mare and a male donkey or jack.

    10. Horse meat is used as food for carnivorous animals as well as humans.

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