Lion Facts for Kids/ Amazing Lion Facts for Kids

· Lion is a big cat also called the
"king of the jungle" and also known as “King of the beasts”.
· After Siberian tiger, lion is the
second largest cat species.
· The scientific name of the lion is
Panthera Leo.
· The word “lion” is derived from Latin
word “Leo” and ancient Greek word “Leon”.
· There are two subspecies of lions;
the Asiatic lion and African lion.
· Probably 100,000 years ago African
lion and Asiatic lion split apart.
· African lions are bigger than the
Asiatic lions.
· Lion has a muscular body, covered
with short yellow-gold coat and male lion has reddish-brown to black shaggy
· The coats of young lions have light
spots that disappear as they grow older.
· The bodies of young lions and tigers
without their coats are so similar that only experts can distinguish them.
· End of their tail has a tuft of hair
but the new-born cubs have no tuft.
· Male lion has a luxurious collar of
long hair around its neck which is called “mane”.
· The maneless lions are found in Tsavo
East National Park in Kenya, Dinder National Park in Sudan and in Senegal
· The darker and fuller mane indicates
a healthier animal and the growth of mane is depended on the testosterone
· Lions live in group, which is called
“pride” which has 3 or 4 male lions and 12 to 14 lionesses and the cubs.
· When a group of male lions roam together in the wild is called the "Coalition"
· Most of African lions are found in
the dense forests of Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe and
· In the past, lions were widespread in
Eurasia, especially in southern Eurasia, from Greece to India.
· Asiatic lions also known as “Indian
lion” and “Persian lion” are found in Gir forest of north-western India.
· The sound of their roar can be heard
from a distance of 8 km which is a warning to other animals and predators.
· Lions produce the sounds to
communicate such as growling, snarling, mewing, roaring, purring, puffing,
bleating and humming.
· Lions are carnivorous animals so they
eat the flesh or meat of other animals.
· Lions hunt deer, bison, as well as
giraffe, buffalo, zebra, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, ostrich, small crocodile,
tortoise etc.
· Lions have very sharp eyesight so they
able to see well in the dark.
· Lions usually hunt at dusk and dawn
but during the day time.
· Adult male lion eats 16 pound and
lioness eats 11 pounds of meat each day.
· Most of hunting is done by lioness
but after killing, male lion eat first and the lioness or cubs wait for their
· Mother lion hides her cubs for one or
two months then introduces them to the rest of the pride.
· The weight of the cubs is around 1.5
kg, and then they are blind but after 3 to 11 days, they able to see.
· Cubs are also known as
"whelps" and "lionets"
· The cubs play hide and seek and
wrestling with each other.
· Mother lion gives training her cubs
to hunt.
· The cubs are often killed by
predators such as hyenas and wild dogs.
· When the male cubs are 2 to 3 years
of age, they leave the pride.
· The main threats to the lions are habitat
destruction, human-lions conflict, poaching, hunting etc.
· Now the Gir Forest is the home of 206
males, 309 females and 137 cubs and 22 are unidentified lions.
· Now there are 20,000 African lions
remain in the wild.
· There are hybrids in the zoo such as
tigon, liger and leopon.
· The male lions can live 12 to 16
years but the lioness can live 15 to 18 years.
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