Species of
Sea Turtles

Turtles are
reptiles, with hard bony shells, developed from their ribs that act as a shield
and protect them from the predators. Turtles are one of the oldest reptile
groups and earliest known members are from the Middle Jurassic. There are 360
extant species that live in fresh-water and sea-water but some species live in
or around water. They spend most of their lives in water and the sea turtles
rarely leave the ocean. They only come out on the beaches to lay eggs.
Freshwater turtles live in freshwater of ponds, lakes, rivers, streams and any
other water bodies.
How many Species
of Sea Turtles are there?
There are
seven different species of sea turtles are found from the Indian Ocean to the
colorful reefs of the Coral Triangle and also the sandy beaches of Eastern
Pacific. The seven species are:-
Loggerhead turtle
2) Green
3) Hawksbill
Leatherbacks turtle
5) Flatback
6) Kemp’s
ridley turtle
7) Olive
ridley turtle
Loggerhead sea turtle

turtles are named for their large muscular heads. The Loggerhead turtle is one of
the largest hard-shelled turtles in the world and the second extant largest
turtle after leatherback sea turtle. Their average weight is 80 to 200kg and
they can grow up to 3ft long. The colour of their heart-shaped carapace is
reddish-brown. Adult male loggerhead turtles have long tails. They normally
spend the day underwater and can hold their breathe up to 4 hours. They reach
maturity at the age of 35 to 40 years. The female turtles travel up to
1000miles to reach their native beaches where they was born, to lay eggs. In a
season, females lay two to five clutches of 130 to 140 eggs. After 2 months
incubating, the eggs hatch.
Loggerhead turtles is a wide-ranging species. Loggerhead turtles live all over
the temperate subtropical and tropical regions of the Atlantic Oceans, Pacific
Oceans and Indian Oceans and also in the Mediterranean Sea. They live in open
oceans and in shallow coastal waters. Loggerhead turtles are found in along the south-eastern coast
of North America and in the Gulf of Mexico and their range extends from
Newfoundland to Argentina. The major nesting site of Loggerhead turtles is Florida, where more than
67,000 nests built per year. Three most important nesting grounds are found in Yakushima Islands,
where 40% of all leatherhead turtles visited. A study suggests that 95% of
Loggerhead turtle population along the coast of Americas hatch on Japanese
Islands. Their major
nesting site is Oman, with 15000 nests, making the site the second largest
nesting population of Loggerhead in the world.
Turtles are mainly carnivores. They have strong jaws that help them to crush
the conches, bivalves, horseshoe crabs and other hard-shelled preys. They also
eat jellyfish, shrimps, fish, sponges, seaweed and sargassum.
The loggerhead turtles can live 70 to 80 years.
2) Green sea

Green sea turtle is also called the black sea
turtle or Pacific green turtle. This species of sea turtle is the only species
in the genus Chelonia. They are found tropical and subtropical seas around the
world. Green sea turtles have green fat beneath their carapace so they are
called green turtle. The color of their carapace is olive to black. Adult green
sea turtles can grow up to 5ft long and weight can reach over 315kg. The green
sea turtle has flattened body, a beaked head and paddle-like arms. Green sea
turtles can swim at speeds ranging from 2.5 km to 3 km per hour.
Green sea turtles are found near the coastline
and around the islands. They prefer to spend most of their time in shallow
coastal water where they can get sea grass.
Female green sea turtle lays eggs on their
native beaches, 3 to 5 times per season and an average of 115 eggs in each
nest. The eggs incubate for 6o days. The female turtles travel a long distance
to reach their native beaches to lay eggs. It digs a hole on the sandy beach
and lays eggs in the hole and then covers the hole with sand. Now it leaves the
nesting ground.
Green turtle
is omnivores but adults eat only plants. Green turtles eat sea grasses, seaweed, algae, crabs,
sponges, and jellyfish. They
are also found in coral reefs, where they get red, brown and green algae to eat.
Green sea turtles are found in over
80 countries and live in warm subtropical and tropical ocean waters. Green sea turtles live in the
Atlantic Oceans, Indian Ocean and Pacific Oceans. In the United States, Green sea
turtles are found on the Hawaiian Islands, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and
the east coast of Florida, Georgia, South California and North Carolina.
Green sea
turtle can live more than 80 years.
Hawksbill sea turtle

Hawksbill sea
turtle belongs to the family Cheloniidae and is the only extant species in the
genus Eretmochelys. They can grow up to
3 feet and can weigh up to 70kg. Hawksbill sea turtle has narrow head. They
have sharp carving beak so they are named for their narrow pointed beak. Their
heart-shaped carapace is serrated and overlapping scutes. Their strikingly
colored carapace and the distinctive pattern of the shall make them highly
valuable that generally sold as “tortoiseshell” in the markets. Male Hawksbill sea turtle has a long and
thick tail and longer claws, each flipper has a pair of claws.
Turtles are found mainly in tropical reefs of the Indian Ocean, Pacific Oceans
and Atlantic Oceans. In
the Atlantic Oceans, Hawksbill Turtles are found in the Brazilian coast,
southern Florida and the waters off Virginia and Texas. In the Pacific, Hawksbill turtles
live in Mexico and main nesting populations are found along the Eastern Pacific
coast of the Americas from Mexico to Ecuador include El Salvador, Nicaragua.
Hawksbills turtles are are also
found from the south western tips of the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese
Archipelago, New Zealand. Australia and Solomon Islands are the largest nesting ground of Hawksbill
turtles. The Hawksbill
Turtles do not live in Mediterranean Sea.
Hawksbill turtles like to eat sea sponges but they are omnivores. Hawksbill turtles are found near coral reefs because their favorite food sea sponges are found there. As they are omnivores, Hawksbill turtle prefer to eat jellyfish, small fish, marine algae, sea urchins crustaceans, mollusks etc.
Female Hawksbill sea turtles return to their
native beaches in every two to five years to nest. Female turtle lays 130 to
160 eggs in a pit and covers the pit with sand and leave the beach. The eggs
hatch in about two months and the hatchlings make their journey from the nest
to the sea.
sea turtles can live 30 to 50 years.
Leatherbacks sea turtle

sea turtle is also called lute turtle or leathery turtle, is the only living
species in the genus Dermochelys. The leatherback turtle is the most unique
turtle. They have no body shell. Their carapace has a smooth, leathery skin
that covers a flexible matrix of bone.Their body is covered with skin and oily
flesh instead of bony shell. Leatherback sea turtle is the largest turtle
species and can grow up to 7feet long and weight reaches 2000 pounds. Their
inky-blue carapace is flexible and almost rubbery. They can dive 4200feet under
the water and can hold their breathe up to 85 minutes. Their large body size
and a thick layer of fat help them to maintain warm body temperature in cold
turtle eat mainly jellyfish or gelatinous prey so they are also referred to as
gelatinivores. They eat
soft-bodied invertebrates such as tunicates and sea squirts, fish, crustaceans,
seaweeds. They have sharp, backward pointing spines, one on the upper jaw and
one on the lower, jaw that help them to pierce, swallow the jellyfish and
prevent the prey from escaping from their mouth.
turtles live in the tropic and temperate waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific
Ocean and Indian Ocean and also in Mediterranean Sea. Off the Atlantic coast of
Canada, Leatherback turtles are found in the Gulf of Saint, Lawrence,
Newfoundland and Labrador. The nesting ground of Pacific leatherback turtles are found in Papua,
Indonesia and Solomon Islands, Mexico, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica,
Panama. In Indian Ocean,
Leatherback turtles live in Sri Lanka and Nicobar Islands.
Female Leatherback
sea turtles travel 3700 miles between breeding and feeding areas. It digs the
hole on the beach and lays 80 eggs inside the hole and covers the hole, then
leave the beach. The temperature inside the nest determines the gender of the
hatching, higher temperatures produce females and cooler temperatures produce
sea turtles can live up to 45 years.
5) Flatback sea turtle
The flatback turtle can be identified by its smooth flat domed shell or carapace which can grow 90cm in length. its carapace is thinner than other sea turtle. The color of their carapace is olive green or a mixture of grey and green but the underside which is called plastron is pale yellow in color. The females of this species are larger than the males.
turtles are indigenous to Australia and are only found in the coastal waters of
Eastern, Western and Northern Australia. They are found in the waters of Papua New Guinea in the
turtle is omnivores and can eat sea cucumber, mollusks, bryozoans, jellyfish,
prawns and other invertebrates. Flatback turtles also eat seaweeds, soft
corals, sea pens and sea grasses.
Female flatback
turtle lays about 50 to 75 large eggs in a single nest on the sandy beach. The
hatchings then take about 7 weeks to emerge and make their way up to the sea.
Flatback hatchlings are pale
grey in colour with dark edges
turtles can live up to 80 years.
6) Kemp’s
ridley sea turtle

ridley sea turtle or the Atlantic ridley sea turtle is the rarest and most endangered turtle species in the world.
Floridian fisherman and
naturalist Richard M. Kemp first
submitted to Kemp's ridley turtle in 180 for identification so the turtle is
called Kemp's ridley
ridley is the smallest sea turtle species. They can grow 2 feet long and their
weight can reach up to 100 pounds. The color of their carapace, is greenish-grey color, and
their underparts are off-white to yellowish.
The turtles
eat fish, shrimps, jellyfish, crabs, molluscs, squids, and shellfish and also
eat seaweed and sargassum. Their favourite food is crabs.
ridley turtles primarily live in the nearshore and inshore of the northern Gulf
of Mexico and Nova Scotia and from the southern coast of Florida Peninsula to
the northern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula and in the western gulf waters of
Texas, Tamaulipas, Veracruz. Their nesting found on the beach near Rancho Nuevo, Mexico, in the state
of Tamaulipas and in Texas along the Padre Island National Seashore.
Females reach sexually maturity about
ten to twelve years of age. They nest every one to three years between May and July, and each season,
they lay many clutches of 100 eggs that incubate for 50-60 days. They travel
hundreds of miles to reach their nesting ground to lay eggs.
ridley turtles can live up to 30 years.
7) Olive
ridley sea turtle

The olive
ridley sea turtle or the Pacific ridley sea turtle,is the second smallest and
most abundant sea turtle species found in the world. Their skin and carapace is
greenish in color so they are called olive ridley sea turtle. It is closely related to the Kemp’s
ridley sea turtle but has a slightly smaller head and shell than the Kemp’s
ridley turtles. They can grow 2 feet and weight is 100 pounds.
The nesting
season of the the olive
ridley sea turtle is from June to December. Female lays about 100 eggs on the beaches.
Olive ridley turtles live in New Zealand, Arabia, India and Japan as well as southern Africa and Australia. In the Eastern Pacific, Olive ridley turtles live in Baja California, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua and Colombia. In the Indian Ocean, Olive ridley turtles are found in eastern India and Sri Lanka. The coast of Odisha in India is the largest nesting ground of the Olive ridley turtle. Other nesting grounds are found in Guatemala, Brazil, Pakistan, Malaysia, Myanmar etc.
The Olive
ridley turtles eat fish, jellyfish, crabs, snails, shrimps, urchins, lobster
and also algae, seaweeds and other marine vegetation. Their lifespan is up to 51 years.
Sea turtle
population is severely reduced worldwide. 6 turtle species out of 7 are
classified as threatened or endangered due to human actions and lifestyles.
Loggerhead sea turtles and green sea turtles are listed as threatened and
Leatherback, hawksbill and Kemp's Ridley sea turtle species are endangered.
Water pollution from garbage, chemicals and discarded fishing nets, lines and
hooks are often eaten by sea turtles, causing their health issues or even
death. Turtle’s population have reduced in the past few decades due to human’s
demand for their meat, skin, eggs and shells. Of the 356 turtle species in the
modern era, astonishingly 61% are extinct or endangered.
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