Essay on Education/ Best Short and Long Education Essay
“A child without education is like a bird without wings.”—Tibetan Proverb
Education is
one of the basic needs for everyone after food, cloth and shelter. Education
brings us to the light of knowledge. Education is the back bone of every
country in the world. Education
is a valuable wealth which no one can take away from you. Education plays an important role in
our overall development -personally, professionally, and socially.
Education is
not only gathering book knowledge from schools and colleges, but also can be
learned practically which is related to our lives.
Essay on Education-600 words/ Best
essay on education-200+ words for children and Students

is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think”- Albert
Education means learning skills and knowledge which improve one’s life and makes the person wise and enhances his/her intelligence. Education gives us knowledge which develops our attitude towards life. Education teach us how to follow the rule and manage our lives through our conscience.
Meaning of Education
The word
education is derived from Latin words Educare, Educere and Educatum. According
to some educationists, the word Education has come from the Latin word Educare,
meaning “to bring up” but some says that the word Education has come from the
Latin word “Educere”, meaning “to come out”. A group of learned people say that
the word Education is derived from the Latin words “Educatum” meaning teaching
and training.
In Sanskrit,
education means “Shiksha” and “Vidya”. The word Shiksha is derived from “Shah”
which means “to control or to discipline” and the word “Vidya” is derived from “Vidh”
which means “to know”. During ancient period of times, when the students used
to go to “Gurukul”, discipline and knowledge were the two most important aspect
of their life.
Types of Education
Education is
the platform that makes it possible for people from different walks of life to
stand equally with all other people and defeat all obstacles. There are three main types of
education such as Formal, Informal and Non-formal which we can get from
different educational methods include teaching, storytelling, training, discussion
and research.
education also called structured learning or synchronous learning is a type of
classroom-based learning program in which the goals and objectives are defined
by the trained teachers.
Non formal
education refers to education outside the traditional school system which do
not either have the level of curriculum, syllabus, accreditation and
certification. Examples
of non-formal learning are sports programs, swimming sessions, fitness programs
Importance of Education
Education is the platform that makes it possible for people from different walks of life to stand equally with all other people and defeat all obstacles. From living
in a cave to now being jet-set futurists, mankind has made significant progress
in the last 7 million years. Education is an essential element that helps create better societies,
develop virtues and gives us a sense of freedom. It promotes empowerment and ensures development benefits.
Education spreads awareness and
asks for logic and scientific reasoning behind all actions. An educated mind can distinguish between what is right and
what is wrong. Education
gives us the confidence and improves our decision-making ability.
Education is
a primary need of any individual, every girl or boy child which give them a
good job opportunity that can reduce poverty and boosts economic growth, especially in developing countries. Proper education for everyone can
eradicate the problems from its roots which the whole world faces today such as
poverty, global warming, gender inequality, terrorism, discrimination and many
government around the world have recognized that education is an important tool
for accelerating progress and making the world a better place.
“Education is the most powerful
weapon which you can use to change the world”- Nelson Mandela
Education has a lot of potential to
change the world.
Education is the backbone of society.
Education removes the darkness of illiteracy and brings us to the light of
education. Education
opens the door of progress in front of us.
Best Essay on Education -200+ Words

Education is
an essential tool which provides people with knowledge, skill, technique and
information. Education
gives us the knowledge to explore new ideas that enhance our creativity for the
development of the nation.
training, storytelling, discussion and research are some educational methods.
Formal, Informal and Non-formal are three main types of education.
Importance of Education in Our Life
plays an important role in the modern, industrialized world. Education provides a good job opportunity
through which people can live a happy life, and also helps us to become a good
human being. Education
is backbone of a nation and essential for the economic prosperity of a nation. Good
and proper education helps us to determine about good and bad things and
increase our confidence level; in one word, education plays an important role
in our overall development -personally, professionally, and socially
Job Opportunity through Education
Education gives us knowledge, skills and experience to help
us both in our career and in life and opens a golden door of good job
opportunity that lead a happy and prosperous life.
Education is
one of the basic needs for everyone after food, cloth and shelter and play a
major key role in our life. Education guides you to become a good citizens of the society.
FAQ’s On Essay on Education
1. Why do we need education?
Education plays an important role in
the life of every person. It helps in building confidence, opinion and intelligence. Good and proper education can help in
building ethics, values and skills that help in setting goals. Education is
the key to open the door to success.
2. Why education is the key to success?
Education gives us knowledge and
skills and also boosts our confidence level that lead to a higher paying job. A
good job is essential to fulfil our basic need and give us a happy and
prosperous life. Education opens the door to progress and success
3. Why is children's education so important?
Today's children are tomorrow's future. Education plays a very important role in child development. Education helps an infant to become social and provides social behaviors such as empathy, consistency, engagement and encouragement that are necessary in your future life.
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