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    Are Raccoons Dangerous/ Raccoons can be dangerous for the humans when they are threatened and protecting their kits/Diseases from Raccoons/

    Are Raccoons Dangerous 


    Are Raccoons Dangerous

    Raccoons are intelligent, shy and playful animal. Raccoons are endemic to North America and are commonly seen in the small-town and suburbs. Raccoons can be dangerous for the humans when they are threatened and protecting their kits. They can be aggressive to pets such as kittens and puppies. 

    Although raccoons are intelligent, looking cute, playful and have good memories but they are not considered as good pets. As raccoons are wild animals, teaching them to obey commands is extremely difficult and also, they act unpredictably so the experts discourage the people to keep the raccoons as pets. In 16 states of US, it is legal to own pet raccoons. 

    Raccoons have sharp claws and teeth and as wild animals, they are unpredictable. At any time, they become aggressive and may bite humans, pets or strangers. Tame or pet raccoons like to spend time with their owners. They are playful, affectionate with their owners but they are opportunistic and mischievous animals. 

    Raccoons are very curious and like to explore so They need a large room with an outdoor enclosure and lots of toys and things to climb on. If they are not happy with toys or not get enough place to play, or bored, they can be very destructive and then they tear the bedsheets, curtains, sofas, cushions, they can break décor items and go to the places, you didn’t expect and can easily destroy the valuables and properties. 

    Baby raccoons and young raccoons become good pets than adult raccoons and make a bond with their owners. They need a lot of space, supervision and maintenance. The outdoor pen for the pet raccoons also be large so that the raccoons get enough space to jump, play or climb and also their favorite foods and toys. 

    Raccoons are smarter and more intelligent than dogs. Raccoons performed better at memory tests than dogs. Raccoons can remember much longer than dogs. Melanie was a raccoon who was trained to ride a bicycle, sweep the floor and also dance and clap. But it is difficult to train or tame a raccoon so they are not considered as a pet animal. 

    Raccoons like water and as a good swimmer, they can spend several hours in water. Their swimming speed is about 3 miles per hour. In their wild habitat, they select the place close to water so that they can swim and catching insects and fish. Pet raccoons can contaminate pool water by urinating in the water. Their feces also get into the water and contaminate the pool water. 

    Pet raccoons are given mix of fish, eggs, insects poultry, fresh fruits, vegetables and also dog food. But some food items are very harmful for raccoons including garlic, onion, chocolates etc. Avoid giving the pet raccoons fatty foods, nuts etc. As these food items cause obesity. As they are messy eaters, feed them in a place that is easy to clean. They need food twice, in the morning and late evening. Finally, consult the veterinarians and follow their advice. 

    Do Raccoons Attack Dogs? 

    Generally, raccoons do not hunt domestic animals like cats or dogs but when they do not get other foods, they can attack kittens or pups. They also prey chickens and rabbits. When raccoons attack dog or cat, first they scratch the prey’s eyes with their sharp claws and continuously bite and scratch the prey with an amazing speed. Their teeth and claws penetrate the prey’s chest wall, causing the lungs to collapse. Raccoons also penetrate the abdomen of the prey. Raccoons have a habit to piercing the prey’s urethra so the urine accumulates under the prey’s skin, causing scalding and kidney failure. 

    Are Baby raccoons Dangerous? 

    Yes, baby raccoons are also be dangerous. Baby raccoons are very cute and cuddly but also have sharp teeth and claws, so they can scratch and bite if anyone try to catch them. Raccoon babies or kits are also carriers of many diseases, mites and parasites that are transmitted to them from their mother. Baby raccoon’s baby is not born with rabies virus but  

    Diseases from Raccoons 

    Raccoons are the carrier of many diseases and can spread to the humans and other animals. The diseases spread by the raccoons are -  

    • Leptospirosis 

    • Raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris infection) 

    • Giardiasis 

    • Rabies 


    Leptospirosis is caused by a bacterium of genus Leptospira. When urine from infected raccoons mixes with water or soil, the soil and water become contaminated.  The humans can be affected when they use this contaminated water. When the raccoons become infected, sometimes they have no symptoms of Leptospirosis. People can become infected if they come into contact with the urine of an infected raccoon. These bacteria enter the human body or pets through the skin, nose, mouth and eyes as well as through the cuts or scratches on the skin. 

    Leptospirosis can cause a variety of symptoms in humans such as high fever, vomiting, headache, red eyes, chills, diarrhea, abdominal pain, rash and also muscles pain and jaundice. Although, some infected people may have no symptoms of this bacterial disease at all.  

    In the second phase of Leptospirosis, the infected people may also have respiratory distress, meningitis, kidney and liver failure and even death. 

    Round worm 

    Baylisascaris procyonis or round worm can cause Baylisascaris infection. Raccoons are the carrier of these roundworm, Baylisascaris procyonis. These parasites live and grow in the intestine of the raccoons and millions of eggs are produced by these roundworms which are present in the feces of raccoons. Eggs become infectious 2 to 4 weeks after being deposited in the environment. Thewater, food or soil contaminate by the feces and when the people consume the water or food accidently or unknowingly, they will be infected.  

    Inside the human body, the larvae come out of the round worms’ eggs and they move into liver, eyes, brain, spinal cord as well as other organs. 

    The symptoms of the Baylisascaris infection can be start about one week after exposure and can be extremely dangerous, resulting in severe symptoms or death. Baylisascaris infection can cause a variety of symptoms such as fatigue, enlargement of liver, nausea, blindness, lack of coordination and also coma. Medicines can treat adult worms living in the intestines, but sometimes are unable to treat the migrating larvae. Even with treatment, patients experience permanent neurological damage in almost all cases. Eye infections can result in permanent visual damage. 


    Rabies is devastating neurological disease, caused by Rabies virus or Rabies lyssavirus. When the infected raccoons bite or scratch the humans and other animals, they become infected by the viral disease. The rabies virus is present in the saliva and in the nerves of the infected raccoons. When infected raccoons bite or scratch humans, the virus enters the peripheral nervous system from their saliva and the virous move in the Central nervous system. 

     It is difficult to diagnose the rabies in the early stage because the symptoms are very similar of flu. But later, the symptoms occur including fever, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, headache, difficulty swallowing and salivation, insomnia, fear of seeing water and also partial paralysis. Treatment does not affect the patients and mortality rate is over 99%. 

    All raccoons are not infected by rabies. The signs of sick raccoons are-  

    • Foam coming from the mouth 

    • Aggressive 

    • Irregular wandering 

    • Tangled and wet face hair 

    • Repeated loud barking 

    • Discharge from mouth and also eyes 

    • Staggering gait 

    • Dazed appearing 

    Are Baby Raccoons Dangerous 

    Baby raccoons are very cute but they can be dangerous for the humans. They have sharp teeth and claws so they can bite or scratch if anyone try to catch them. The baby raccoons or kits also carrier of many diseases, mites and parasites which transmitted from their mother to them.  

    Giardia lamblia is a microscopic parasite that cause Giardiasis. Raccoon feces is the carrier of this parasite. The raccoon babies are also cause of Rabies,  Baylisascaris procyonis or round worm, Leptospirosis etc. Although all raccoons and their babies are not infected by the rabies virous. 

    How to Prevent Diseases from Raccoons 

    • Stop feeding raccoons 

    • Don’t feed the pets outside 

    • Dustbin must be secure 

    • Fencing around your fish pond and garden  

    • Close off your chimney and other entry points to reduce potential nesting sites 

    • Keep the pet-food inside 

    • Keep the pet animals inside the house at night 

    • Vaccinate the pet animals 


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