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    Essay on Cat/Essay on Cat 500, 100, 200 Words/10 Lines on Cat/Cats are one of the common domestic animals. About 60 cat breeds are found in the world.

    Essay on Cat 500, 100, 200 Words for Children, Kids and Students

    Essay on Cat


    Cats are one of the common domestic animals. The cat belongs to the family Felidae and the scientific name of the cat is Felis Cactus. There are about 60 cat breeds found in the world. Around 7500 BC, cats were first domesticated by the people living in the Near East. As of 2021, there are approximately  480 million stray cats and 220 million farm cats in the world.

    Description of Cat

    Cat is a small sized animal, about 46 to 47cm in length and 24cm to 26cm in height with approximately 29 to 30cm long tail. Their weight can be 4kg to 5kg. Their strong flexible body is covered with soft, silky fur of different colors like white, black, brown, grey etc. In their normal, resting position, their sharp claws are covered with skin and fur around the toe pad of the paw. The cats have very good night vision and have tapetum lucidum in their eyes so their eyes glow in the dark. .

    Cats are colorblind and can see blue and green colors but are not able to see red or pink. Cats have very good hearing and are able to detect ultrasound. Cats have well-developed olfactory bulbs so they  have a strong sense of smell.

    Behavior of Cat

    Cats are sociable animals. Outdoor cats are more active at night but domestic cats are active in the daytime. Cats like to spend their time sleeping for about 12 to 16 hours per day. Cats are very playful animals and like to play with toys or objects like prey. They have backwards-facing spines on their tongue which are known as papillae, help them to clean their coats. They communicate with many vocalizations like trilling, purring, hissing, mewing, growling etc. Cats fight each other for establishing territories or defending. They show their aggression by raising their fur, arching their back, bare their teeth and loud vocalization. The cats are omnivorous and like to eat milk, fish, meat etc. but avoid sweet food. Cats hunt rodents, small prey, chicks, birds etc. A male cat is known as tomcat or tom and a group of cats are called a glaring or clowder. Female cats or queen give birth of 3 to 6 kittens. Cats can live up to 16 years.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Keeping a Cat

    Cats have been used to control rats for millennia, especially in the vicinity of granaries and ships, and both are still in use today. The cat’s fur is used to make hats, stuffed toys, bags, blankets, coats, shoes, gloves. There are negative superstitions about cats in many cultures.According to a myth that if a black cat "crosses someone's path it can cause “bad luck".Cats can be infected by viruses or bacteria that can spread the disease to humans like Cat scratch disease, Salmonellosis, diphtheria etc.


    The word “Cat” derived from the Old English word “catt”. Cats are a very common pet and can be found in most parts of the world. Cats are found in the forests, coastal areas, wetlands as well as urban areas. Domestic cats are valuable to humans for their companionship and ability to kill rats.

    Essay on Cat 100 words for Children

    Cat is a domestic animal. It has four legs, two big eyes, two ears, a tiny nose and a long tail. Cats are in different colors like white, black, grey, brown etc. Their fur is soft and silky. Cats like to eat fish, milk, cream, meat etc. They like to spend their time sleeping in a dark, cool place. Cats have sharp claws that help them to hunt rats or mice. They lick themselves to clean their fur. Cats make many sounds to communicate like mews, purr, hiss, growl etc. Female cats give birth to 3 to 6 kittens. Cat is a cute, playful animal that's why people like it as a pet. 

    Essay on Cat 200 words for Children

    Cat is a common pet. Cat is the smallest member of the family Felidae. There are 40 to 70 cat breeds in which 500 million are domestic cats. Cats have a very good sense of smell and hearing. Their excellent eyesight helps them to capture their prey in the dark. Cats are very friendly, cute and familiar so people like them as pets. The male cat is called tomcat or tom and the female cats are known as molly or queen. The baby or young cat is called kittens. Cats are very active and use two methods- Stalk and pounce technique and Fishing techniques. Mother cats teach their kittens to hunt, eat and also their moving speed. As the cats are carnivorous, they prefer to eat meat, fish etc.They kill rodents and keep our home pest-free. They like to sleep and spend about 70% of their life sleeping or resting. Cats are very good swimmers and also very good runners. Their running speed will be more than 30mph.They urinate or rub their heads on rocks, trees, fences, poles, etc. to mark and defend their territories. Cat Lifespan of a cat is 2 to 16 years.

    10 Lines on Cat for Kids

    1. Cat is a popular pet.

    2. Cat has four legs, two eyes, a small nose, two ears and a long tail.

    3. Cat likes to eat fish, milk, meat etc.

    4. Cat can run and swim very fast.

    5. Cats lick their fur to clean it.

    6. Cats are experts at catching mice.

    7. Cats can make up to 100 vocal sounds.

    8. Cats like to play with toys and balls.

    9. Cats wag their tail which is a sign of warning.

    10. Cats are very cute and playful so people prefer to take them as pets.

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