The Dog

Dog was the first animal which
was domesticated by the early people. Scientists think that, the wolf species
has evolved into the dog species. The word dog is derived from the Latin word, Canis. The scientific name of domestic dog is Canis Familiaris. Dog belongs to
the class Mammalia and Canidae family.
The dog is a omnivore animal i.e. they eat both, the
flesh of other animals and also the plant products. A dog can live 10 to 13
years. The adult dogs spend around 12 to 14 hours per day by sleeping. An Australian cattle dog named Bulley
lived 29 years, who was the longest living dog according to Guinness World
Dogs have been helping people with various tasks since
ancient times like hunting, pulling loads, protection. Dogs are being used in
police and military activities. Dog’s sense of smell is very sharp. Using the
dog’s sense of smell, the police find the criminals, recover explosives etc.
The dog is a very faithful animal and is called “men’s
best friend”
Dog’s physical structure
Height and weight
Different dog
breeds have different height and weight. Yorkshire Terrier is the smallest dog
breed whose length is only 8 to 9inches at the shoulder and weight is 4
to 7 pound. Great Dane is the largest and tallest dog breed. The height of this
dog breed is around 28 to 30 inches and weight is around 100 to 120 pounds and
their life span is 6 to 8 years.
The name of the tallest dog was Zeus who is also a
Great Dane breed. He stood on astounding 44 inches tall.
Dog’s Senses
Dog’s sense of smell, vision and hearing are very
keen. Another study said that, the dog’s senses of vision are so powerful that
it can also see the earth’s magnetic field.
Dogs communicate with in different ways like licking,
waging tails etc.
Dog’s Coat
The dog’s body is covered with fur which is refers to
the hair. The colour and texture are different in different breeds. These hairs
protect the dogs from injury, cold, water and play a important role to show
their breed types. The dogs are in many colours like brown, black, white, grey,
grey-brown, chocolate, red-gold, tan, ruby, reddish-yellow, lion-coloured,
fawn, apricot, mustard, cream, metallic-grey etc.
Dog’s Tail
· When the dog is taking any new information, it keeps its tail straight.
· The dog shows its happiness by waging its tail
· When the dog keep its tail high and still, indicates alertness and dominance.
Dog’s Reproduction
When the domestic dogs become six to twelve months, the sexual maturity happens for both male and female dogs. At this age, female dog have their first estrous cycle. During this time, they prepare of pregnancy. A female dog gives birth about 6 to 8 puppies.
Dog’s Breed
In present day, there are many hundreds of different
breeds of dogs; some of them cannot survive in the wild. As they are evolved
from wolves and related to foxes and jackals, they share many behaviours just
like their relatives ( jackals, wolves, foxes). They both used to urinate on
rocks, trees, fences, poles etc. to mark and defend their territories, which
they have occupied from other dogs.
They both hide their favourites or reaming food like bones, meat for later use.
Dogs show their affection by licking their masters.
When a dog has skin problems like allergies, pain or infections then it licks
The dogs are the most faithful animal, but sometimes
they became aggressive towards strangers and attack them.
The Most Dangerous Dog
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Siberian Husky |
· Siberian Husky
· Boxer
· Tosa Inu
· Alaskan Malamute
· Bullmastiff
· Boerboel
· Wolf hybrid
· Doberman
· German Shepherd
· Pit Bull
The Most Popular Dogs Breeds
· Labrador Retrievers[2020]
· German shepherd
· Golden Retrievers
· French Bulldogs
· Poodles
· Beagles
The Most Expensive Dog Breeds
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Afghan Hound |
· Afghan Hound
· Afghan Hound
· Dogo Argentino
· Canadian Eskimo
· Chow Chow
· Azawakh
The Most Intelligent Dogs
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German Shepherd |
Border Collie
· Poodle
· German Shepherd
· Golden Retriever
· Shetland Sheepdog
· Doberman
The Cutest Dogs
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Chow Chow |
· Dalmatian Breed
· Dachshund Breed
· Samoyed Breed
· Golden Retriever
· Saint Bernard Breed
· Beagle
· Pomeranian Breed
· Shar Pei Breed
· Pug Breed
Ugly Dog Breeds
· Chinese Crested dog
· Neapolitan Mastiff
· Mexican Hairless
· Chinese Shar-Pei
· English Bull Terrier
· Pug
· French Bulldog
· Chihuahua
· Hungaria Puli
Must To Know Before Getting a Dog
1. A dog can live 13 to 15 years so you have to be ready to take care of it for 13 to 15 years.
2. First
choose a dog breed which is suitable for your lifestyle, family structure, size
of your living space, living place etc.
3. You
have to give much time to your new pet to feed, walk, bath, care etc. You have
to plan who will take responsibilities in your absence.
4. Some
dog breeds are expensive. t is expensive to take care of a dog and the expenses
never end. After purchasing a dog, you have to buy a bed, collar, lead and
other accessories which make your pet happy and safe.
5. You
have to spend much amount for its food, vet, soap, shampoo, medicines,
vaccinations etc.
6. You
have to spend one hour daily to take your pet for a walk or exercise in a
nearby park. Sometime play with your pet which make it happy and fit.
7. You
have to make your home “pet-proof”; you must cover your expensive sofa or other
furniture so that your pet does not tear them.
8. You
must train your dog not to jump on your bed or sofa.
9. Keep any toxic foods, medicines out of your dog’s reach.
Some plants which are poisonous for
your dog such as Sago palm, Tomato plant, Aloe Vera, Ivy, Amaryllis, Gladiola,
American Holly, Daffodil, Milkweed, Castor Bean, Tulip, Begonia etc.
The Signs of Healthy Puppy
Strong, sturdy body
Clean and shiny beautiful coat
Clean and clear eyes
Clear nose and ears
Playful and energetic behaviour
Clean and fresh breath
8. Consistent bowel movement
Dog’s Nutrition
A balanced diet is necessary
for the dog. Dog needs different nutrition in different ages. Nutritions are
obtained from food which give the living things energy and help them to grow.
Dogs need six essential classes of nutritions for healthy living.
They are Water, Proteins, Fats,
Carbohydrates, Vitamins and Minerals.
A puppy needs mother milk.
When the puppy is 3 to 4 weeks of age, give your puppy some regular puppy food
along with its mother milk which is called weaning. In this way you can prepare
your puppy on regular puppy food.
Adult dogs need sufficient
nutrients for energy, repair body tissues, physical activities, and growth etc.
You should give right amount of food to your pet according to its size, age, physical
activities and energy output.
When the dog is about 7 to 12
years old, the metabolic, immunologic body composition changes can be seen
along with its age. In this age, you give it a lower caloric diet to avoid
weight gain.
The diseases that affect all
the dog breeds of all ages are:-
Canine distemper
Canine par vovirus
Lyme disease
Kennel cough
Kidney diseases
· Ringworm
When your dog stops eating
Your pet dog is your family
member so when it stops eating, it is very distressing.
Sometimes the dog stops eating but drinks a lot of water. There can be
many reasons to stop eating of the dog.
If a dog stops eating food, it
is referred to as anorexia. There are many reasons to stop eating
Dental diseases
Recent vaccination
Travel and Unfamiliar surrounding
Diseases like Pyometra, Cancer, kidnet
and liver problem etc
· Stomach problem
Find The Reasons
By observing the dog’s behaviour
By checking the teeth of your pet dog
3. Find the issues with the food
Observe your dog for two days
and if its appetite is not changes, you must consult your vet immediately.
Some Facts of Dogs
1. Zeus (44 inches) was the tallest dog
in the world, according to Guinness World Record.
Basenji dogs do not bark but can
yodel or scream.
Greyhound is a great long distance
runner. Its speed is 35 mph and faster than cheetah
4. Three dogs also survived with Rose
and Jack while the Titanic was sinking.
5. According to Guinness World Record, Saluki
is the oldest dog breed.
6. Chow Chow and Shar Pei, these two dog
breeds have fully black tongues.
7. The dogs have 3 eyelids and the third
eyelid is known as “haw”, which protects and lubricates the eyes.
8. According to Guinness World Record,
the African Hunting Dog is the best mammalian hunter.
9. Dogs only have sweat glands between
their paw pads.
10. Dogs can hear 4 times better than
Your dog is your family member so treat it just like your other family members Your dog wants only your love, affection and care and wants to give you love and loyalty in return.
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