Essay on Summer Season

In India, according to the Lunisolar Hindu calendar, there are six seasons- Spring season, summer season, Monsoon season or Rainy Season, Autumn season, Pre-winter season and Winter season. Summer season or Grishma Ritu is the second season that comes after Spring season. Month of Jyeshtha and Ashadh that fall in April and June, are the summer months. Summer season is the hottest season in India.
Description of Summer Season
After spring season, summer season comes with hot, dry weather. In this time, we experience the longest day and shortest night. This time, the Sun moves from the Equator to the Tropic of Cancer and the average temperature starts to rise and can reach about 40°C. In some states like Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, the temperature can reach 50°C. During the day, strong, hot, dry winds blow which is called “Loo”. In the coastal areas, the humidity level is increased by the proximity of the sea. In summer season, we get variety of fruits like mango, jackfruit, lichi, guava etc. Many flowers such as balsam, cosmos, nasturtium, french marigold, sunflower etc., increase the beauty of nature. The people celebrate many festivals in this season like Baisakhi, Ooty Summer Festival, Shimla Summer Festival, Gangaur, Ram Navami etc.
Effects of Summer Season
In Summer season, the sun shines brightly and the temperature increases. The hot winds, called loo blows from west that can cause sunstroke. The water bodies almost dry and the animals do not get sufficient water to drink. The people stay indoor to protect themselves from the scorching heat of the sun. They get tired for sweating so they prefer to wear light cotton clothes and use sunglass and umbrella. They like to drink cold water, cold drinks, ice-cream etc. The people like to go to the hill stations to get relief from the hot weather. The animals seek cool shade to get some relief from the scorching heat of the sun. In summer season, the people suffer many diseases like dehydration, dysentery, sunstroke etc. The dry winds, dust contaminated the water bodies and increase the pollutants in the air. During summer season, hot air reduces humidity from the environment. In some areas of the country face the drought.
Importance of Summer Season
Summer season is the hottest season in the year but it has its special significance. In This season, the crops ripen. The water evaporates from the heat of the sun which then falls down as rains. This time the school colleges and educational institutes are closed so the students enjoy the summer vacation. The children like to play indoor games like carrom, ludo, chess, dice etc. The people enjoy to drink cold drinks, lassi, syrup and also like to swim in the water. In summer season, West Bengal, Assam experience a thunder storm called “Kalbaishakhi” with a heavy rainfall that brings relief. The coastal areas of Kerala and Karnataka receive heavy rainfall, called ‘Mango Showers” that helps to ripen mangoes faster.
In summer season, people like to stay in the home so they spent a quality time with their families. The student and children have summer vacation so they have a good opportunity to learn new skills.
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