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    10 Lines on Butterfly/10 Lines on Butterfly: Butterflies are one of the beautiful insects on the earth, Lepidoptera/Here you can read 4 Sets....

     10 Lines on Butterfly

    10 Lines on Butterfly

    10 Lines on Butterfly: Butterflies are one of the beautiful insects on the earth, belonging to order Lepidoptera. It is a beautiful creature in nature. Butterflies have evolved from moths. Butterflies have colorful wings, six legs, two compound eyes and two clubbed antennae. Butterfly has exoskeleton, which means their skeleton is on the outside of its body instead of inside. They have two long proboscis by which they suck nectar from the flowers. About twenty thousand species of butterfly are found in the world. Butterflies contribute to a rich ecosystem. Global warming, climate change, deforestation and pollution are the main threats to the butterflies.

    “10 Lines of Butterfly” for children and students

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    Here you can read 4 Sets about “10 Lines of Butterfly”.

    Set - 1 

    1. Butterfly is a beautiful insect.

    2. Butterflies are in different colors like red, yellow, blue, white etc. 

    3. We see the butterflies in the daytime only.

    4. Eggs, larvae, pupae and adult, butterflies develop in these  4 stages.

    5. The most well known butterflies are monarchs, admirals, zebras etc.

    6. Butterfly flies flower to flower to drinks nectar from flowers.

    7. Butterflies drink nectar from flowers through the proboscis.

    8.  The mother butterfly lays many tiny eggs on the leaves of some kind of trees.

    9. Some species of butterfly are poisonous.

    10. It is a beautiful creature in nature.

    Set - 2

    1. Butterfly is a small, colorful flying insect.

    2. Butterflies belong to order Lepidoptera.

    3. Most butterfly species can recognize red, blue, yellow and green colors.

    4. Butterflies grow through a kind of development called metamorphosis.

    5. Butterflies have evolved from moths.

    6. Butterflies have two pairs of scaly wings.

    7.   Butterflies can fly around 30 miles per hour.

    8.  The butterflies are diurnal, so we see them in the daytime only. 

    9. Butterflies live all over the world, but are not found in Antarctica.

    10. Butterflies can live 14 days to 30 days. 

    Set - 3

    1. Butterflies have colorful wings, six legs, two compound eyes and two clubbed antennae.

    2. Their bodies are covered with very tiny dustlike scales and hair. 

    3. Their wings are covered with tiny dustlike scales which give the colors of the wings. 

    4. Butterflies have two long proboscis by which they suck nectar from the flowers.

    5. Butterflies can see many things at the same time because of their compound eyes.

    6. The butterflies' larvae or caterpillars come out from the eggs and eat a lot of leaves.

    7.  The common enemies of the butterflies are ants, monkeys, rats, birds etc.

    8. Butterflies taste the flower or fruit pulp because they have sensors on their legs.

    9. Butterflies' antennae are covered with sensory organs called sensillae.

    10. Butterflies have been used in arts, jewellers in many civilizations.

    Set - 4

    1. The endangered species Queen Alexandra's birdwing is the largest butterfly on the earth.

    2. Western pygmy blue butterfly, Woolly legs, little metalmark, marine blue etc. are the smallest butterflies. 

    3. Butterflies develop in four stages of life, which are called metamorphosis.

    4. As the butterflies are cold-blooded, they can not fly at night. 

    5. In some cultures, the butterfly symbolizes rebirth.

    6. Mimicry and camouflage are other defense mechanisms of butterflies. 

    7. The name of the oldest known butterfly is Protocoeliades kristenseni.

    8.  Female butterflies produce a glue-like sticky fluid which is used  to attach their tiny eggs to leaves.

    9.  Butterflies need sodium and minerals for reproduction, so they gather near puddles or damp soil to get the minerals and also drink water.

    10. About 18500 butterfly species are found on the earth. 

    FAQs On “10 Lines on Butterfly”

    Question: What is a butterfly?

    Answer: Butterfly is a small, beautiful, winged insect which belongs to the order Lepidoptera. About 18500 butterfly species are found on the earth but they are not found in Antarctica. 

    Question: What is special about a butterfly?

    Answer: Butterfly has four colorful wings but the wings are tranparent. Their wings are covered with tiny scales which provide them colors. Butterflies have exoskeleton, which means their skeleton is on the outside of its body instead of inside. Butterfly’s legs help it to walk, hang and climb as well as taste the flower or fruit pulp because they have sensors on their legs which are called chemoreceptors. 

    Question: Are butterflies bad?

    Answer: Some species of butterflies are poisonous and harmful for animals as well as humans such as monarch, red lacewing, zebra longwing, the postman etc. Some species of butterfly release a foul, poisonous liquid when threatened by humans and animals so that predators may vomit or go away from it. The bright colors of butterflies and caterpillars are warnings to predators that they are poisonous and have a bad taste.

    Question: What does brown butterfly mean?

    Answer: In some cultures, brown colored butterfly symbolizes the rebirth. The myth is that seeing a brown butterfly in or out of the house means good news is coming. In another belief, if a brown butterfly comes into the house, it means that the soul of a loved one warns about ominous events. So brown butterflies bring good luck or warn about bad events.

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