Essay on Polar Bear

Essay on Polar bear: The polar bear is a species of bear, lives in the Arctic Circle. Evidence from DNA analysis confirms that polar bears evolved from grizzly bears. Their body is covered with white fur so they are called “white bears”. Polar bears have a layer of fat or blubber that is 4 inches thick which helps keep their bodies warm while swimming in cold water. To protect polar bears, the “International Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears” was signed in 1973 by the five nations
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The polar bear is a species of bear, lives in the Arctic Circle. "Ursus maritimus" is the scientific name of this largest extant bear species which means "sea bear". In “The Inuit language”, the polar bear is called "nanook", and Historically, they are known as the "white bear".
Description and Behavior of Polar Bear
Polar bears have small heads, long necks, short ears, broad and black noses, brown eyes, and short tails. Their body is covered with two layers of thick white fur which turns yellow with age. Their fur is hollow and not really white. Each hair shaft is transparent because LYST and AIM1 that affect melanin production are absent.
Polar bears have a layer of fat or blubber that is 4 inches thick which helps keep their bodies warm while swimming in cold water.
Male polar bears also called boars are three times larger than female bears or sows. Male polar bears can grow 7 ft – 9 ft and weight will be 350–700 kg whereas females can grow 5 ft – 7 ft and weight will be 150–250 kg. There is no white pigment in the polar bear's coat. In fact, a polar bear has black skin and hollow hairs. Their legs are too large to distribute the load while walking on ice as well as to provide propulsion while swimming. Paw pads are covered with soft, small papillae, which provide traction on snow.
As polar bears are carnivorous, they use their 44 teeth to use for catching and tear food.
The strong pointed and curved claws of the polar bear are more than 5 cm long.
Polar bears have an excellent sense of smell and hearing. They also have very good eyesight and good long-distance vision. They can locate their prey, such as seals, about 1 mile away and buried under 3 feet of snow. Since polar bears are excellent swimmers, they can swim at speeds of up to 10 km/h and can often swim for several days.
In the wild, between November and February, female polar bears give birth to blind cubs, which are covered with fur, and weigh less than 0.9 kg.
Polar bears rarely attack humans unless they are severely provoked. Hungry polar bears are extremely fearless and can attack, kill or eat humans.
Polar bears prefer to live solitary lives. They produce many sounds and vocalisations such as chuffs, chuffs, huffs, moans, etc.
In the wild, the lifespan of a polar bear is between 25 and 30 years.
Diet of Polar Bear
Polar bears are one of the top predators on the land. As polar bears are carnivorous, they eat meat. They prefer to eat ringed seals as well as harp seals, harbor seals, and hooded seals. They also eat birds' chicks and eggs and walrus too. Polar bears have been observed hunting beluga whales and narwhals also. During late summer and early fall, the sea is unfrozen so the Polar bears cannot hunt seals and may fast for several months.
Habitat of Polar Bear
Polar bears are found in the north of the Arctic Circle to the North Pole and prefer to live in areas where sea ice meets water and spend several months at sea. The polar bears can be found in five countries including Russia, the U.S, Greenland, Canada, and some of the northern islands, which are owned by Norway, such as Svalbard.
According to the World Wildlife Fund, polar bears play an important role in determining the health of the Arctic ecosystem.
Polar bears lose their natural habitat due to global warming and climate change. Marine pollution, oil and gas development, and oil spills are the other threats to the polar bears and are listed as vulnerable species.
Polar bears are the marine mammals and the largest land carnivorous animals and the largest species of bear. Polar bears belong to the family Ursidae and the scientific name is “Ursus maritimus” which means"maritime bear". Evidence from DNA analysis confirms that polar bears evolved from grizzly bears.
Polar bears can grow 7 to 8 feet and the length of their tails is 3 to 5cm long. Female polar bears weigh 150–250 kg and are smaller than males.
Their body is covered with white fur so they are called “white bears”.Their fur is transparent, oily, and water repellent. In May or June, the polar bears shed their fur completely and replace it. They have small heads, two brown eyes, two small ears, large muscular legs, large paws, and curved and sharp claws. Their forelimbs are shorter than the hind limbs and their rounded forepaws are partially webbed. Although polar bears appear white, their skin is black in color.
Since polar bears live in the Arctic, they are well adapted to their habitat. Designed to withstand cold temperatures, snow, ice, and open water, and for seal hunting, their physical characteristics are designed to protect them from the cold.
Polar bears live in the Arctic Circle and spend most of their time swimming in the Arctic Ocean, and its surrounding seas.
Polar bears are hypercarnivores and their diet consists of about 71% meat. Polar bears prefer to hunt and eat seals. They eat ringed seals, harp seals, hooded seals, and harbor seals. They also kill and eat walrus beluga whales and narwhals. Polar bears also eat different fish species like “Arctic charr” and “fourhorn sculpin”.
The female polar bear digs a maternity den, which has a narrow entrance and one to three chambers. From November to February, female polar bears give birth to two to three blind cubs.
In 1972, the United States adopted the “Marine Mammal Protection Act” to protect the polar bear, which prohibits the harassing, hunting, capturing, or killing of all marine mammals. To protect polar bears, the “International Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears” was signed in 1973 by the five nations- Denmark, the United States, Norway, Russia, and Canada.
10 Lines on Polar Bear
Polar bears are bright white animals but actually have black skin under their fur.
Polar bears are excellent swimmers as well as good walkers and can travel up to 3,000 km per month.
Polar bears are the largest land carnivorous animals on the earth.
Polar bears use their excellent sense of smell to locate seals hidden from 16 to 17 km away.
Polar bears have 30 cm wide and partially webbed paws that help them swim around 10 km/h with ease.
Polar bear paw pads are covered with soft, tiny papillae, which provide traction on ice.
A female polar bear gives birth to two or three cubs, which weigh about half a kilo and can be 30 cm in length.
Polar bears usually wash themselves after feeding by swimming or rolling over the ice.
Melting ice due to climate change is a major threat to polar bears.
There are about 22,000 to 30,000 polar bears exist on the earth
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