10 Lines on Pollution for Students
Pollution is
literally means dirty. Pollution or
environmental pollution is the addition of any substance or any form of energy
into the environment and damage the quality of air, water and land, and cause
adverse changes. These harmful materials are called pollutants. Pollutions of
all kinds have negative effects on environment, human health, and wildlife.
10 Lines
on Pollution – Set 1/Set 2/Set 3/Set 4
10 Lines
on Pollution – Set 1

1. Pollution is the contamination of
water, air, land and other parts of the environment
2. There are four main types of
pollutions, air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and land pollution.
3. The harmful materials which damage the
quality of the environment are called pollutants.
4. When the water bodies are polluted by
harmful materials is called water pollution.
5. Land pollution or soil pollution is
the land contamination.
6. Growths of population, urbanization,
industrialization, deforestation, vehicular emission etc. make the air polluted.
7. Noise pollution is any unwanted or
disturbing sounds.
8. Pollution is very harmful for our
environment and all living beings.
9. To prevent the pollution, store and save water, use biodegradable things, plant more trees and increase awareness.
10. We
need to be aware to make the world pollution free.
10 Lines
on Pollution – Set 2

1. Pollution is literally means dirty.
2. Pollutions of all kinds have negative
effects on environment, human health, and wildlife.
3. Major forms of pollutions are air
pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and land pollution.
4. Some more pollution such as light
pollution, plastic pollution, thermal pollution, radioactive pollution etc.
5. Water pollution is caused by chemicals,
sewage, pesticides, fertilizers, lead, mercury etc.
6. The air is contaminated or polluted
by harmful gasses, chemicals and smoke from factories, car emission, wildfire,
volcanic eruption etc.
7. Land pollution is caused by human activities,
deforestation, mining, urbanization, nuclear waste etc.
8. The main causes of noise pollution
are loudspeakers, horns of vehicles, fire crackers etc.
9. Pollution is the responsible for
various diseases and deaths and slowly destroys the whole Eco-system and our
10. Our
awareness and love for nature can make this planet healthy and beautiful.
10 Lines
on Pollution – Set 3

1. Pollution is a major global problem.
2. Air pollution is the cause of many
diseases like respiratory diseases, asthma, lung cancer, heart diseases, stroke
3. Drinking or consuming of polluted
water can cause diseases like cholera, typhoid, jaundice, dysentery and many
other diseases.
4. Burning fossil fuels and
deforestation increase the greenhouse gases, result global warming.
5. Ozone gas is one of the main air
pollutants, which is the cause for smog in cities.
6. Noise pollution can cause Noise
Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL), high blood pressure, stress, heart diseases etc.
7. The Taj Mahal in Agra, India, loses
its gleaming whiteness due to pollution.
8. According to Pure Earth, more than
200 million people are affected due to toxic pollution.
9. Recycle paper, plastics, metals and
organic materials to reduce pollution.
10. Raise
public awareness about the causes and effects of pollution.
10 Lines
on Pollution – Set 4

1. Pollution is adding harmful
pollutants which damage the Earth’s environment.
2. Presence of harmful substances
polluted the air, which are called pollutants
3. Pollution is a major global problem that
is caused by human activities and natural activities.
4. China and India are the two countries
where the level of water pollution is very high.
5. About 7 million people die for air
pollution every year.
6. The World Health Organization
indicated that in March 2019 that around 8.8 million people are died every year
due to air pollution.
7. Unwanted and excessive sound that
reaches 85 decibels or higher is called Noise pollution.
8. Trees also prevent the climate
change, drought, hot waves and many more so stop deforestation and plant
more trees to prevent the pollution.
9. Pollution is slowly leading the Earth
towards the destruction.
10. If
we are not aware from now on, lives will no longer exist on earth.
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